
ThermoStat 3.1 2014

We have developed a software program called ThermoStat, third version in 2012, designed to facilitate the processing and analysis of sub-hourly stream temperature time series. Useful features include an intuitive graphical user interface, pre-processing and aggregation of multiple input text files, time within optimal ranges and time above upper lethal thresholds for 80+ common fish species, as well as a variety of daily, monthly, weekly, seasonal and annual temperature statistics.

ThermoStat can be used to describe a thermal regime in a variety of ways that incorporate measures of timing, magnitude, variability, duration, rate of change, and species specific temperatures. ThermoStat does not perform statistical tests or generate p-values. Output from ThermoStat can be used in statistical tests to examine trends through time, before-after, or control-impact experimental designs.

ThermoStat will calculate measures even if you feed it an insufficient quantity or quality of data (e.g., missing data, poor data). It is the responsibility of the user to know the limitations of their input data and make appropriate judgment calls on the quality of the resulting output.

ThermoStat is unavailable at this time until we find a new host for the program files. We will provide ThermoStat on a request basis via other delivery methods.


ThermoStat V3.1 is programmed using Matlab and compiled as a ‘standalone’ package. However it is necessary to have the Matlab runtime environment on your system which is bundled in the Zip file.

Note: It may take 10-15 minutes to …

  • Load Matlab
  • Run ThermoStat
  • Run analyses in ThermoStat please be patient.

If you have installed ThermoStat V3.0 you likely have Matlab installed and just need the ThermoStat update.

Citing ThermoStat

If you appreciate the effort that has gone into ThermoStat, please credit the application and its authors in any published work that makes use of results from ThermoStat, citing ThermoStat as an electronic publication and giving the ThermoStat website address if the journal permits it.

Here is one possible form for a References Cited entry: Jones N.E. and B. Schmidt. 2013. ThermoStat Version 3.1: Tools for Analyzing Thermal Regimes. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Aquatic Research and Development Section.

If the journal or book editor will not permit an entry in the Literature Cited section, you might try this text citation: “…computed using ThermoStat (Version 3.1, Jones and Schmidt)

Failing that, you might write: “…computed using ThermoStat (Version 3.1, Jones and Schmidt, unpublished)…,” perhaps slipping in the ThermoStat website address in the Acknowledgment section.

Common Questions and Their Answers

*** Do not use hyphens within files names.

Problem: I can’t see the whole graphic user interface, some of its components are outside the visible extent of the program window.

Solution: Your monitor’s screen resolution is lower than the required minimum screen resolution. ThermoStat requires a resolution on at least 1440 x 900 on wide-screens and 1280 x 1024 on older 4:3 ratio screens. Increasing the resolution using the Windows Desktop Properties or the Windows 7 Desktop Screen resolution option after right clicking the Windows Desktop. If your computer/monitor does not support the minimum resolution you will have to find a computer/monitor that is able to display this minimum resolution or higher.

Problem: ThermoStat’s graphic user interface is not displaying the user controls correctly (e.g. buttons, tables).

Solution: Your Windows Desktop settings maybe unsuitable for the way ThermoStat renders the graphic user interface. Try experimenting with the various Appearance settings of the Windows XP Desktop Properties or the Personalize settings of the Windows 7 Desktop (right click the Desktop to open the pop-up menu).

Problem: ThermoStat crashes when I try to generate a report.

Solution: Most likely you do not have a C:\TEMP folder on your computer which the software requires to generate the report. Creating this folder at the root of your C-drive should fix the problem (this is outlined on page 2 of the software reference manual).

Problem: The program seems to take a long time to load and analyze my data.

Solution: Please be patient. Keep in mind that ThermoStat is condensing a long list of tedious manual processing/analysis tasks that might have taken a week or more to complete into a few minutes.